Sleep tips
Our Sleep Tips booklet introduces and explains different techniques for you to try that may improve your child's sleep. It covers ten main topics including bedtime routines, daytime napping, comfort objects and moving bedtime backwards or forwards. It gives lots of illustrated hints and tips for putting the techniques into practice.
Sleep advice service
Our dedicated sleep service is here to help.
Alongside our Sleep Tips booklet and relevant guides, we also offer one-to-one support. This involves completing an application form for your child and two weeks’ worth of sleep diaries which we'll send out to you as long as you come under our criteria for support.
If you need one-to-one support and are a parent/carer or a professional referring a family with their consent to having sleep support, please click the button below to contact the sleep service.
If you have a question or query about our services please email us at [email protected].
Our guides
Our webinars provide expert evidence-based information on a range of topics that are important for child and family wellbeing when a child has a neurodevelopmental condition.
The recording of our latest webinar "Countdown to Calm - A Child-Centred Approach to Sleep Support" is available now.
How well did you sleep last night?
Vanessa explains what it’s like to have a child with a brain condition who doesn’t sleep well and how hard this is for the whole family.
Our sleep research partner
The Cerebra Network for Neurodevelopmental Disorders is a collaborative and dynamic network of researchers led by Dr Caroline Richards (University of Birmingham), Dr Jo Moss (University of Surrey), Dr Jane Waite (University of Aston) and Dr Hayley Crawford (University of Warwick). Network research hubs located at each university will focus on key themes that are central to improving the lives of individuals with severe and complex needs and their families including research into sleep, atypical autism and mental health.
Specialist sleep training for professionals
We now offer two courses both with a focus on specialist SEND sleep support:
OCN L3 Cerebra Essential Paediatric Sleep Advice Consultant (CEPSAC)
This course provides a basic introduction to sleep support through 10 hours of online, on-demand learning.